

I debated on what to give my students for graduation. I wanted to, and was going to do, giftcards…but then the invites started coming and I had to be realistic. We have one salary now and I could have maybe done $1 giftcards for them all. As my three year old niece would say, "BOOORRRINNNG!" 

I thought about what I could do, or leave with them that would have some sort of meaning. I realized the one thing I have been blessed with right now is time. So here is what I ended up making with things I had on hand:

Here is what the little books say [there are a few inside jokes we shared in class]: 
[I did a screen shot of the actual document, so disregard the red squiggly lines trying to tell me I'm wrong…]:


They will probably open this and think "BORRRINNNGG" anyway, but maybe they'll read it and one small thing will resonate? Call it my last ditch effort to be their teacher. ;)

And if you are wondering:
"Purty neat" reference is HERE
"Guy on a buffalo" reference HERE
And if you don't get the Atticus and Bob Ewell reference, rummage through your change drawers, find $5, and go buy a copy of this book HERE 

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Brent said...

I know they all will enjoy and cherish this.

Kyle C. said...

Goods advice Mrs. I. I think more of them will get it than you know, and in the long run that;s more valuble than a gift card anyway.
