If you have been reading this blog very long you may have noticed that this has become an annual event. I started this with my first class, and this is the third year I have given it a try. Every year I have been impressed; every year my students have inspired me.
Each year I simply give my students this prompt: I write because...
And then I turn them loose. And they give me the true, raw response to that question.
Thess kids long to be heard.
Please listen.
- each day I take another step in life and feel it should be on paper for everyone to read
- the sun comes up and then goes down every day
- the sound of a pencil on paper is like a song playing joyous music that sets your heart at peace
- the words that go down on paper bring me into another world; a world of freedom
- words are a miracle
- I want to show the world I can
- my mom and dad don’t know how I feel
- I like it
- I don’t want to think about what it would be like if I couldn’t write
- I know it’s right
- my thoughts are important
- my thoughts need to be said
- people need to know how I feel
- I want something to show for myself
- I mean something
- I want to be loved
- it seems like I’m the only one who understands
- every day is the same
- my life isn’t all that easy
- the hurt is too much sometimes
- I’m crazy
- life is numb
- I need it
- it’s fun
- I’m trying to come alive
- I’m a beast
- I hurt, and writing makes me happy
- no one listens to me
- I want people to know that I’m not just a quiet and shy person; there is someone else behind that shell
- I want someone to be impressed with me
- my real dad wants nothing to do with me
- I’m not perfect
- I want to have dreams
- I want other people to see a change in me
- it is my happy place
- it makes others smile
- I could change my life
- it’s relaxing for my mind
- I can tell a story when there is no one else to tell
- it’s my only escape
- I have a fire burning deep inside me that won’t burn out
- once the pencil hits the paper I can’t control it
- my life depends on it
- my singing is bad
- my heart tells me to
- I am different than everyone else
- I have a say in the matter
- we only live this life once
- the more I write the more I open up
- the world depends on it
- I have to say something
- I take one step at a time
-, just like hunting and fishing, it is so fun to catch something new with my words
- I care what I have to say even if no one else does
- if I don’t my thoughts will drive me crazy; if I do I can escape them
- if I didn’t no one would know who I really am and what I’m actually thinking and feeling
- if I don’t I will begin to cry because there is no other way for my feelings to be released
I write because…
- this could be my last breath
- I want people to know what it feels like to be alive
- I want something for people to hold onto
- I can share things with a piece of paper and it won’t judge me
- sometimes writing will give me the right answer
- it gives me the chance to get to know myself better
- I want people to feel what I felt
- I need to write about issues at home and what I think about everyday
- I feel used and stepped on by people around me
- what I have to say is different than what you have to say
- I have to out-do my sister
- I am lonely and the notebook is my company
- I am not afraid to express my true self when I write
- I feel an urge, a compulsion to reach for the pencil and paper
- it is my place to speak, rather than listen
- it is a hiding place; a sanctuary I can go to and feel okay
- it lets me live in a new way
- I want to be different
- my emotions get the best of me
- I am happy
- my dad is not there to talk to
- I’m a klutz
- I’m changing
- I sometimes feel ignored
- I miss the people who have left me
- I want to be the voice to someone
- I love to make up stories
- I have something to say
- I love my family
- I want to be the girl little girls look up to
- I want the world to be a better place
- it makes me feel like I can do anything I want
- I want to be the girl people will never be mad at
- there are no boundaries
- it’s the best kind of therapy there is
- I want to be recognized for something
- I can live in the world I create
- I keep things bottled up and I’m afraid to let them out
- I’m afraid I’ll say the wrong thing or hurt someone’s feelings
- it helps me face my fears
- I feel loved when I write
- I hurt
- I want people to understand that I have feelings too
- I’m shy
- I am important
- it’s a challenge
- it doesn’t hurt
- it’s an art
- I can make a song
- I want others to see stuff how I see stuff
- I have no one to talk to
- it helps my journey
- it makes me free
- I’ve been hurt and healed
- I love someone
- I’m alone
- I love and hate life
- I have nightmares
- I miss them
- I want to know the world
- life is short
- I don’t get along with everyone
- I feel ignored
- I feel incredible
- I’m unstoppable
- I feel others’ pain
- I am normal
- it helps me realize what I have
- I love to laugh or cry, or sometimes both at the same time
- it shows that I’m different than others
- it means something to me
- I feel wanted
- I want to scream
- I feel all eyes on me
- these boots can only take it for so long
- it hurts to cry sometimes
- I have questions but can’t ask them
- I’m an idiot and believe I’m the best writer out there
- I know who I am
- I have lost
- I have the right
- I have an imagination in my head that just won’t leave
I write…
- to put emotions on paper so I won’t show them in real life
- so I don’t cry
- to fly
- to feel something
- to get it all off my chest
- to make my feelings known
- to stand up for the things that bother me the most
- to heal the hole in my heart
- so I can start a revolution
- to relieve my stress
- so I can tell the world how I cope with all the changes I’ve gone through
- so my parents will actually be impressed with what I do
- to share my memories
- to get my anger out
- to get better at it
- to hear from the past and the future
- to expand my horizons
- to keep my imagination flowing
- to sort through my life
- to take away the sad facts
- to change my attitude
- to make a difference
- so I don’t feel so lost
- to have fun
- to create something I want
- to prove a point
- to confuse you
- to have something to look back on when I’m old and frail, because I will have forgotten
- to study my own improvement
- to tell a secret
- to find a friend—one that offers more room for me because she’s interested, friendly and can’t beat me
- to fill up a page
- to feel human
- to make my day better
- to be creative
- to remind myself that there is a ‘before’ and ‘after’ to my story
- to be somebody
- to show others I exist
- to share the story others couldn’t
- so I won’t explode on the people around me
- so I can inspire others
- to ask questions
- to feel alive
- so I can be remembered as someone