
a real snow day

It's day 3 here on survivor island... :)

Okay, so last night my school went ahead and called it for today. I was a little surprised because, even though it iced all day yesterday, in a slow depressing drizzle, everything was supposed to stop by about midnight. However, when we woke up this morning I was refreshed by a sight I hadn't seen in quite some time:
It was snowing heavily, the trees were coated in ice and everything has that eerie quiet that I think is one of the most peaceful quiets ever. It took Brent, after he cleaned his car for about 20 minutes, an hour to get to work (normally a 15 minute drive), so things aren't wonderful.The power has been flicking on and off this morning so I'm going to keep this short so I can shut the computer down. A lot of trees and limbs are falling because of all the ice plus the snow on top, plus there were so many loose limbs from the windstorm back in October.

So I think I'm going to lay back, finish my book and my peach tea that I just made and enjoy a TRUE snow day (and I really hope the power stays on...!)


Anonymous said...

Hey Kels,
Sorry to hear about your ice storm - that's worse than just snow. Hope everyone is taking it slow and staying safe!

P.S. Did I tell you that Uncle Al & I are going to Mexico in Feb.?

Anonymous said...


I tried leaving you a comment the other day but I couldn't figure it out but Annie showed me. I just wanted to say that I love reading your blog! :) I tried one of your receipes that you put on here and it was really good & very easy to make, so thanks! Oh & I love John & Kate Plus 8 too. Anyways, I hope you have a good rest of the week & weekend!

Love, Katie