
why i write...

You may recall last year when I was so excited to share what my students wrote in response to the "why I write..." prompt that I gave them. Well, my new students wrote their responses today, and I will be compiling some of the best and most inspirational ones and will post those as soon as I can.

I decided that I too would jot down a few of my own "why I write..."s. I of course did not have extensive time to do this as I was quite busy managing the classroom and doing other tasks, but here are the few I came up with:

I write because I grew up on a gravel road.
I write because my pen is a friend that won't ever let me down.
I write because it is my passion; my secret love affair.
I write because it makes me feel accomplished and proud.
I write because my family once told me I was good at it.
I write because of the smell of fresh cut grass.
I write because my students inspire me.
I write because of the empty cereal bowls my husband leaves that the table.
I write because I want to remember how to feel words move through me.
I write because of music.
I write because of silence.
I write because I want to scream.
I write because I want it all back.
I write because I'm trying to move forward.
I write because to see the pen move across the page is therapy.
I write because I have too much love to share.
I write because of the lives others have had to live.
I write for those who have no voice.
I write for those that are broken and lost.
I write to feel sunshine.
I write because if you cut me I will bleed.
I write to remember 707 S. Sloan St.
I write to remember what it felt like to be awkward at 13.
I write to forget what it felt like.
I write to keep my toes tapping.
I write to encourage others.
I write to see that smile on his face.
I write because I can't control my words.
I write to try to control something.
I write to show beauty through tears.
I write because he left us too soon.
I write because of the taste of butter.
I write because I can't sleep.
I write because it helps me sleep.
I write because in writing I am more myself.


Brent said...

I'm glad that you write to see me smile too.

Kali said...

I'm glad you write to remember 707 S Sloan because it always helps me remember it, too. But I think you should also write to see Caroline smile b/c she's doing more and more of that these days :-)

I'm also glad you're enjoying teaching so much right now. It's obviously what you were born to do! I just hope you always remember to take lunch count.

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Summertime Of Life ~ said...

Love this !

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