
my joy

I try not to let Blythe totally take over this blog, but from time to time there is good occasion to let us all bask in her adorableness for a little bit.

Today is one of these times.

This morning the weather was absolutely beautiful, so I strapped some shoes on her, and strapped a camera on me, and outside we went. I've been wanting to be more intentional about taking pictures of Blythe with my camera and not just my phone, so I thought today would be a good start.

I've been shooting solely in manual lately, thanks to some motivation from Meagan. I have always loved over-exposed black and whites, so I wanted to shoot a few of those while my little subject was cooperating/playing with my lens cap/singing the itsy-bitsy-spider. Here is what we came up with today [no editing].

This may just be my favorite. I did not pose her for this, but rather we were singing and this was right before "WASHED the spider out…" 

She is quite the little play thing right now, and her eyes just sparkle with life. I love my little Blythe Kathleen.
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Hannah said...

She is sooooo cute! I love her little face!

MW Photo said...


The 7th B&W one - the one of her incredible eyelashes - literally made me gasp and say OH! haha! I'm so head over heels, she takes my breath away!! and these are so great!!

Pink Pamalamma said...

Beautiful/adorable! Love the one with her arms crossed looking quite sassy!