
first, faculty, and focus

I know it has been a little while since I have written. Grades are entered and done (or so I thought...turns out I entered about 10 for each class wrong and they DISAPPEARED and I may have to redo them...ughhhh...). This will be brief and I hope to post more (with pictures) about the weekend later.


Mondays are never fun. The first day of the week it is simply miserable to drag myself out of bed. It doesn't even matter if I went to bed at 8 oclock the night before!! This morning I laid in bed a little too late and, like a lot of mornings, had to wake Brent up to get my lunch ready and help me out so I wouldn't be late. Man! Some things never change. Good thing Brent is a very patient and good man.


Another reason I hate a lot of Mondays is because we have our faculty meetings on this day throughout the year. Cruel and unsual? I would have to agree. They, like most meetings that people are forced to attend, drag on for about an hour and a half longer than is necessary. I'm sure today will be no different.


Since I have been venting, I thought I should also share something that helped remind me of my focus and why I entered teaching. This morning I came into my room and there was a journal on my desk with the verse "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me," on the front. I had no idea where it came from so I opened it up and read: "To Mrs. Irwin-- You're the best teacher I've had. You've inspired me, and taught me so much. Thank you."

What was a horrible Monday is now a blessed day. For those of you who are teachers, you know how important words like this can be. That should get me through the end of the year :)

--more later.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Kels. I'm writing this looking through tears. I've prayed that you would touch your kids with more than English skills. I knew you could...and would. What a blessing.

Love you. ~Mom

Kali said...

Next post: Grades Grades Grades

Micah Hilton said...

ahh I agree with Sharon aka Granny