

Becks Lynae 
Born: May 2, 2014 
at  10:36 am
Weight: 5lbs 12oz   
Length: 19 in
Hair: Dark Brown 

Becks with her hat off

Kelsey started early labor contractions in the middle of the night.  We were cautious and came to St. Joe around 3am.  We didn't admit ourselves until around 8:30-45.  Between 3am and 8:30 am we drove around close by the hospital, got gas in the van, went to HyVee and walked around (I, Brent, had to keep from buying up all the chocolate and Shatto Milk I saw), then went to a close family friend's house in town to rest until we knew for sure it was time.  Kelsey's contractions were intense but irregular, so we waited.  Kelsey had a few "I remember that feeling" contractions around 7am where she knew 100% we needed to drive a few miles and admit her to the hospital.  After our arrival the nurse checked Kelsey and told us she was at a 5 (all you woman know what that means, and men just know it's halfway) and it was music to our ears, as we knew we were having a baby today…definitely.  From then it was lots of intense contractions for Kelsey, waiting for the epidural that never was (again), but she's so awesome and tough that she powered through the pain.  About 1hr 45min after we arrived, the urge to push was here…the nurse frantically called any Doctor available and Kelsey's Doctor (same that delivered Blythe) had to run to make it.  The Doc broke her water and Becks was here in one and a half pushes! Yay!  Many pictures and memories followed.  Kels will tell you more later, I'm sure. Here is a glimps.
With her Beautiful Mom right after delivery
and bearded daddy
 the Family
 kisses from her sister
yawning…piece of cake, right Becks.

Many more pictures and stories to come. 
Thanks for your prayers.  

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Pink Pamalamma said...

Awww, congratulations!! She's beautiful! I love the photo of Blythe kissing her new baby sister. So sweet! :)

Ashley Brickner said...

Congrats!!!! She is beautiful & I love, love her name! :)
