dear baby, 

look at us, flying through this pregnancy together. only 9 more weeks! i'm getting more anxious to have things ready for you, slightly worried you'll decide, "well, today seems like a good day…" and i won't even have a carseat to put you in. your nana assures me though that if you surprise us, she can get everything you and i need in one trip…and i believe her because she knows what she is doing.
your hiccups are much more frequent. your dad can even feel them sometimes and you usually get them 5-6 times a day now! i sometimes have to push you around to get a little more breathing room or keep you out of my ribs. you usually cooperate though since you still have a little wiggle room in there. we'll see what it's like in another couple weeks though!
our first baby shower is being planned and i'm really excited. there are already so many people who love you and can't wait to meet you.
i'm still dreaming of what our days together will look like; dreaming of what it will be like to actually be a mother. i picture mornings in the bathroom doing our hair together. or finishing up supper in the kitchen while you set the table and we talk about the day. obviously these things are down the road a bit, but i also picture laying you down on a blanket and talking to you while you coo and learn to giggle. i picture our late night snuggles, though half asleep, whispering my love to you in the wee hours. i picture your dad, being so proud to tote you around and show you off.
oh sweet little girl, i'm looking forward to the next 9 weeks and beyond!
love, mom
You look way too cute to be 8 months pregnant! Can't you look a little haggard like the rest of us did?? Love ya!
Just catching up on your blog from quite a while ago! You look absolutely adorable pregnant! I am so excited for you and Brent! She will be here before you know it! Glad you are doing so well. Hope to check in more frequently on your blog to stay updated. Let us know if you are ever back in Louisville....we would love to see you all! And, as always, you have an open invite if you need a place to stay (and baby girl too!)
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