Woah! I almost missed this week!

dear baby,
this was a big week for you and me. it marks our halfway point! can you believe it? in another 20 weeks we finally get to meet face to face.
this was also a big week because we got to find out if you are a boy or a girl…and we are so, so very happy that you're a girl! you did awesome for your first photo shoot: you moved and flipped around like crazy, making sure we could get a good measurement of you from every angle. i think this means you're going to be a bit like your daddy-- he likes to move around a lot too!! you two will be able to entertain each other for hours.
i also finally caved and bought myself one of my favorite treats: oreos! when i ate them you kicked like crazy, which i think is a good sign that you're my girl :-) [and don't worry, even when we don't have these in the house your aunt kali will ALWAYS have these on hand]!
i read something the other day that made me think: you are the ONLY one who knows what my heartbeat sounds like from the inside. i think that is pretty cool. i love you with everything and will continue to keep you safe.
love, mom
Oh my gosh! Could you get any cuter!?!? :o)
I love you.
Just a little fun trivia. Sweet baby girl, Your grandpa, on Daddy's side, was called the "Cookie Man" to our girls because when he would come over he allowed them to "Grab Oreos" from his trunk.
ASK him about that some time. ;-P Your Parents are WONDERFUL!
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